Friday, December 23, 2011

Affirmations for blessings of wealth, health, and manifesting goals

Hypnobabies training for Kai's birth helped me to appreciate the importance of giving the egoic mind something to chew on while the subconcious mind could come forth and do the work of being in the experience.  These affirmations are meant to empower you from where you are in your life within the present moment, and to help you recognize the abundance and opportunities all around you.  To help you live a life that is full of goodness and peace.

I am the dance and God is the dancer.
I am blessed.
The universe continues to bless me everyday.
I deserve to feel happy everyday.
I deserve to be taken care of financially.
I deserve to have eradicate stress from my life.
I deserve to have all of my money issues resolved.
I deserve to have my debts paid.
I deserve to live in unlimited abundance.
I openly and thankfully receive from the universe everyday.
I focus on what I have and give thanks for it everyday.
I have plenty of money to invest in myself, my family and the causes I believe in.
I openly share my abundance with others.
I deserve to live in unlimited wealth.
I deserve to do what I want when I want with love and harmony.
I deserve be anything I want.
My expansion contributes to the greatness of the universe.
I am a divine being.
I love my family and share with them unlimited love, abundance and joy.
I deserve happiness and joy.
I deserve to make my dreams come true.
I am powerful.
I enjoy empowering myself and others.
I deserve to live a life full of health, wealth and happiness.
Money comes to me easily in expected and unexpected ways.
Happiness brings wealth and abundance to me.
I love winning money.
I deserve to win money.
I do not need to work for others to earn money.
I can earn money independently.
I always know what to do at the right time.
I am always listening to my inner self.
I focus on everything going right.
I have a purpose to share with the world.
I am important in the universe.
People respect me and I respect others.
I help and give to others freely.
I respect other's attitudes, actions, and place in their life.
Other people's attitudes and actions do not affect me.
I have unlimited happiness from within.
I share my happiness with others.
I forgive easily.
I do not hold grudges.
I always see the unlimited potential in another.
I respect and see the divinity in others.
I recognize that each person has their own individual purpose.
I welcome my own expansion.
Love it my greatest motivator.
I make decisions based on love.
There is nothing to fear.
Fear is a construction in my imagination.
I let go of all fear and surrender to my higher self and universal love.
When I have faith the universe conspires to manifest my hopes and goals in all ways.
I trust that I am loved.
I trust that I am taken care of financially, physically and emotionally.
I have faith in myself.
I am powerful.

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