Monday, October 25, 2010

Got Peace

The following is a monologue I wrote and recited for the 2009 Spirit In the House Film and Theatre Festival, Lake Harriet Spiritual Community's own production of "Got Peace?"  That production and these words changed me forever.  It was during this time at some point I had finally stopped "talking" and started living the talk.  The peace that I and everyone else had talked about had crept up on me and before I knew it I was engulfed in it.  Shortly after the final performance in June this happiness and peace helped catapult me into my next and most fulfilling role of becoming a mother. After reciting the following words night after night their essence sank into me helping me to honor my intuition and joy and making the promotion of peace on earth my highest mission.  Its changed how I interact with others and myself.  It's also had a huge impact on how I brought my son into the world and how I continue to parent him.  The world needs to change.  And it starts with us, loving, loving, honoring and forgiving ourselves.  We then pass that on to others, our family, friends, community and then on to the next generation. 

I think finding peace is about going deep within myself. Getting in touch with and listening to that soft subtle vibration that permeates every cell of my being. You know that steady, constant, stillness that washes the stress of the day away and reminds us that we're all connected. My soul.
Sometimes my soul lets me be to enjoy just being, and other times it gives me intuitions or guidance. Sometimes the guidance can seem a little scary, or crazy, and not very practical so I'll chalking it up to big dreams or fanciful ideas...I'll ignore it, and go back to my daily routine. And everything seems to be fine...Until these intuitions start sneaking into my dreams, and waking me up in the middle of the night....They'll creep into my mind while listening to a conversation or listening to a song on the radio. And you know, I've come to learn that if I don't listen, life has a way of sneaking up on me, and can go peacefully with me in the drivers seat or I can go kicking and screaming and I've found that life is much more peaceful if I surrender.

Several months ago in the middle of this recession left my stable, yet emotionally draining, and non supportive Human Service job of more than two years. And even though it may not have been the most financially lucrative move. Spiritually its been invaluable. I've had the opportunity to get back in touch with some of my own passions that I seemed to have forgotten, and its been such a healing experience for me. Its remembering like myself all over again.
I sometimes wonder would happen if we created the opportunity for everyone to follow their own individual passions within our society. Where people didn't have to worry about making a living, What if all that was taken care of? Would people do what they loved? Would people follow their passions no matter how crazy or childish they seemed? How much farther advanced we’d be morally, technologically, spiritually, and musically if people didn’t have to worry about risking their livelihood to follow their passions.
One of my passions that I rediscovered was singing. Growing up I thought that in order to be a rock star, you had look a certain way and be a certain way. I always thought I didn't fit whatever that way was. I was too short, too round, too Asian, and not musically inclined enough to be successful. Then of course comes along William Hung on American idol!.…He became a sensation over night by covering Ricki Martin's "She Bangs, She Bangs"

So maybe its not about being the best or fitting the mold….But about expressing yourself in the way your soul wants you to. Feeling and acting on that impulse…listening to the inner voice within, and I don’t mean the one that tells you to not eat after 10PM. Its listening to your soul, your spirit, and finding joy in whatever you love doing…whether its hiking up a mountain, writing a song, or expressing your hopes for a new society in a monologue about peace
Since first doing this show about two months ago, I've joined Calliope Women's Chorus, and now I have the opportunity to sing with other women who are as passionate about singing as I am.  I've been working as a preschool teacher. I love my job, I'm refreshed, energized... And at this point in my life I feel so happy and peaceful, sometimes I say to myself "AHA! This is it, I'm meant to be here! My soul was meant to do this!"

So I encourage you to go out a find your AHA moment. You may not understand why you have certain ideas or inspirations, but I've heard that following guidance is like opening a package, you start with the the tip of the bow, which is the beginning of your journey, and as you progress or untie it and get the wrapping off you find that gift on the inside may not be what you expected. It turned out to be much better, and its exactly what you and everyone around you needed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Love is the only Communication

If we close our eyes and tap into the stillness to listen to the subtle vibrations that permate the essence of our being we can feel, experience and know our connection to our spirit, our soul, each other, the planet and every creature on earth.  Diminishing this seperateness will  help us to move in the direction of healing the differences among us humans on the planet.  When we longer need to profit from another person in order to sustain our livlihood will we truely live and fully understand our connections.  How do we on an individual level start living and feeling this connection?  Through communicating, speaking, listening and acting from the heart.  Our hearts and bodies always speak our truth; however our minds sometimes overthink the messages.  Many times words fail to accurately communicate our needs.  True listening is done with the heart and hears only messages of love, acceptance and truth that is either given or requested.    Recognizing that we are enough within each and every moment helps us to come into alignment so that we can better hear the messages of the heart.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm Back!!

Hey Followers!
I just want to apologize for taking such a long va ca from the blog.  The summer has given me lots of love and learning about myself and life that I will definately be reflecting on over the next several weeks here, so be sure to check back.  Thank you for giving me your time.  Peace and blessings to you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Illusion of Safety

Some friends of mine are selling everything they own, saving up their money wearing only what objects of value they can put on their backs and hitting the road with nothing but their skills, their hearts and their faith to keep them safe and provided for.

When I heard this the adventurer in me was instantly jealous and longed for the open road. I had done some traveling in my early twenties, however I always had my own transportation and credit cards in my back pocket, and people who planned my trip for me all I had to do was ensure that I showed up at the right time to be picked up. My three months of travels had taken me throughout the southwest and I finally ended up in Hawaii were I was able to reconnect with my Godparents whom I hadn't seen since shortly after my birth twenty years ago. While my adventures had satisfied my insatiable thirst for the unknown I realized that the new, the unknown and the instability of my trek had turned out to be scarier and more stressful then I had though it would be. After four months I headed home back to the expected, the routine and the safety of people I knew that would take care of me. That would always provide a roof over my head, food at the table and great company that expect nothing of me but to be myself.

My husband drives for a living and so three to four days a week he is on the road braving whatever life may bring him whether it be a snow storm, a tornado threat, truck problems or accidents. He's learned to listen and heed the inner voice deep within. And every time he has done so he's avoided accidents and been kept safe and secure.

Its easy to forget in this journey of life that while the unknown can seem scary and unpredictable that the universe is constantly providing for us the experiences that reflect the feelings and expectations we have towards life. To have enough trust and faith that the universe will provide for us, and keep us safe in all circumstances and in every situation must first be felt internally and then chosen within every instant of every circumstance that the open road may bring. Many of us forget we have access to the protection and knowledge at all times so we fall into the safety of routine, and while this can bring peace of mind and comfort this is merely an illusion and true safety comes from within ourselves. True peace faith, and joy from within act like a force field that surrounds, binds and protects us.

If everyone on the planet could tap into this abunance of love and life simultaneously all fear of lack would be overcome and practically overnight we would abolish all war and currency. We would live in peace and harmony because everyone would know on a fundamental level just how much we are loved, provided for and protected.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A New Look at Childrearing: Focus on What you Want!

When I worked as an early childhood educator my company stressed the importance of refraining from using the words "stop" "no" "don't" and "do not." At the time I thought it was a ridiculous objective. In having supervised toddlers and preschoolers who were very successful at selective listening, I had come to believe that it was impossible to apply these type of techniques to this age bracket simply because they did not yet understanding and command of language. How could they possibly know what you were referring to? If a toddler was climbing on the furniture, it was so much easier to say "stop climbing on the furniture" rather than "keep your feet on the floor." I thought that you had to identify the behavior and the object and then redirect that behavior. Now I've come to realize that it was my own habits that made it difficult in communicating with the children, not their selective listening skills.

After studying hypnosis I've come to learn that that the ear hears and the mind sees what its attention is drawn to. If I say "do not think of dancing elephants" what does the listener automatically think of? And what if I were to keep saying "don't think of dancing of dancing elephants." Well you get the point. Now imagine for a moment being two years old and constantly hearing messages like "don't run into the street", "don't make a mess" and "stop beating on the cat." Your attention is drawn to the actions that your already doing, so of course you keep doing these things. All of a sudden the adult voices that are telling you to "not" do these things are getting louder and louder and pretty soon your being punished for the very things that mommy or daddy drew your attention to in the first place. How confusing for a two year old! By emphasizing the action we do not want we are literally programming our children to continue that undesired behavior.

Let's do ourselves and our children a favor by cutting all the drama and focusing on what we want. By emphasizing to our children how to be gentle with themselves, and their friends when learning to share. Telling them to keep their feet on the floor when climbing on the furniture, and to stay in the yard and be safe when going near the street. These small but very significant changes in language and direction will not only save us from an array of dramatic child/parent incidences but also help our children create for themselves a clearer view of the world and how to behave in it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Steps for Healing

1. Set the intention to heal a belief that no longer serves you.

You can tell if a belief needs to be healed if your experiencing emotions that feel constrictive. Or if you have a particular pattern in life that you are interpreting as self defeating such as not being able to stay at jobs, or holding yourself back from doing things you'd like to. Constrictive emotions are fear based and can be expressed through anger, depression, fear, resentment, indecision, stagnation, restlessness.

2. Trust the universe and keep your eyes open!

The universe will send you people, conversations, reading material, songs, anything and everything to help you deal with whatever the issue is. It could take days, hours, months or even years. Length of time depends on how open you are to noticing and utilizing the healing tools around you, and how willing you are to change and embark in unfamiliar territory. Remember to enjoy the journey. We establish so many wonderful relationships and gain so many valuable lessons along the way.

3. Thank the universe for your healing.
How do you know when the healing has taken place? Everyone has their own unique feelings. But generally you feel better, lighter happier and fuller in life. You are no longer stagnate, and you recognize the holiness in yourself, and others within the present moment. Behavior patterns start to change, you have more love in your heart than fear. You put things into perspective and forgive yourself, and others easier. You become even more gentle with yourself. This too is an unfolding process. Thank yourself and the universe for all the opportunities to learn about yourself, forgive yourself and love yourself.

4. Expand and share with others.
Your healing is the greatest gift you have to give to the world. Others will be inspired by your love, gratitude and greatness. Its contagious. Let us spread peace, healing and love throughout the ends of the earth!

Healing with Hypnosis

So today is the third full day of the World Hypnosis Summit and I just have to put out a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped bring this into existence. Some of the top leaders in the hypnosis field put our free Internet teleconference calls sharing their skills and teachings. This is truly an example of sharing abundance, gifts, talents and passion with others. I hope the world can some day replicate this type of freely giving on a global level in my lifetime.

My friends and I have been experiencing much healing. Why is hypnosis so powerful? First off hypnosis is a natural mental state that everyone experiences. Those moments right before drifting off to sleep or right before wakening are hypnosis. Spacing off, day dreaming, and driving to work and not recalling the details the drive are all states of hypnosis. The state one's in while watching TV is even a light level of hypnosis. Daydreaming helps us expand our imaginations to envision that new job, meeting that someone special, going to the moon, and explore the depths of the earth. Everything that has ever been accomplished or created first started out as a thought. We can even practice things like in our minds like dancing, playing an instrument, and preparing for childbirth. Our minds interpret these practice daydreams as experience and soon we believe we can do things we've only ever dreamt about.... if we let ourselves feel the feelings and live the experience of singing on stage, having the perfect wedding or landing the six figure job. So lets go ahead and daydream ourselves a new reality. One with passion and forgiveness. A healed world.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hypnosis World Summit

Hey all!
I'm a forever believer in hypnosis after it helped me to deliver a baby naturally. It helped me to reprogram my mind so that I could step into my present experience with grace and surrender. Below is a link for free hypnosis recordings from some of the top people in the field that will cover topics like weight loss, attracting abundance, improving study skills, and sports and so much more!

Hypnosis World Summit

Friday, March 19, 2010


Welcome to my blog! I hope to use this space as an opportunity to aid in the advancement of humanity through promoting thoughts and ideas about topics such as money, childbirth, and education to encourage equality, truth, love, and forgiveness within ourselves, families, and communities. So that together we can create a new world for ourselves and children in which the highest priority in society and government is to respect, cherish and provide for the well being of each and every person on the earth.