Friday, August 19, 2011

The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination

Everything that has ever been created and everything that has has ever been done first started out as thought in someone mind's eye. Our imaginations are very powerful in allowing us to dream possible creations for our lives and each other. The body even uses repetitive thought as practice. So if you wanted to practice dancing, shortly after haven taken a class but lack music or a partner, practicing the dance over and over in your minds eye is the similar to practicing it in the physical. This was confirmed by a study conducted with Olympic runners. Psychologists measured the electrical output of the runner's muscles and it was discovered that the same muscles used while running, also electrically fired while the runner ran in his mind's eye. Our dreams and inner urges have the potential to be very powerful calling us to make a change allowing for the expansion of our experiences. Is there something you've always dreamt of doing? Do you feel this deep call within? Perhaps you and your dream is what your family, friends, co-workers and the world has been waiting. Could you imagine the possibilities?